Thursday, September 26, 2019

North America Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

North America Immigration - Essay Example The pace of migration rose from 1910 following the Mexican revolution. Around fifty thousand Mexicans migrated to USA each year from that period till 1929. The reason of migration was higher availability and opportunity of Job in USA than in Mexico. Jobs in USA also offered a higher wage rate than that in Mexico. To tame this inflow, in 1929 around 2 million Mexicans were forcefully deported back to Mexico. In 1942 during the Second World War considering the Mexicans as a cheap source of labour again looked profitable and a programme named Bracero was formed by USA and Mexican officials that paved the way for legal status for the Mexican immigrants as guest labourers. Obviously the Mexican labourers working in USA under that programme were bereft of any labour protections that were extended to USA labourers. The same set up has been maintained till 1986, however not in papers rather through verbal and mostly under the table agreement. In 1986 USA government gave amnesty to 3 million uncited Mexican labourers and were given all possible rights that a USA labour enjoys. However, owing to the high demand of undocumented Mexican labourers from corporations for the lesser burden on corporations regarding wage and rights, their number kept on growing. (Head) According to the 1990 census of United States of America the documented Mexican population was 4.3 million that rose to 9.8 in 2002. The undocumented population of Mexicans in USA grew at a faster rate; it was 2 million in 1990 and 5.3 million in 2002. The projected number of Mexican immigrant in USA would be 13 million by the end of 2010. ( A striking change has taken place in terms of destination of the Mexican immigrants in USA. The traditional destination areas mentioned previously are gradually getting replaced by states like â€Å"Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and

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