Friday, September 27, 2019

Essential vs Non- Essential Job Finctions Research Paper

Essential vs Non- Essential Job Finctions - Research Paper Example On the other hand, non-essential job functions are duties that could be reassigned to other employees and effectively execute them (Hammonds & Kapusta, 2003). Some of the non-essential job functions include directing and escorting clients to different offices within the organisation. Employers are required to have knowledge of the employment provisions including disability Act. Essentially, employees are required to comprehend on essential job functions and how they affect employees. Disability Act Stipulates on the basic civil rights for persons with disability, women and the minority groups (Hammonds & Kapusta, 2003). However, an employer is not obliged to modify or eliminate an essential job function in order to accommodate person with disability. This is arguably true because an employee who is not in a position to execute the essential job functions even when considered to have a reasonable accommodation does not qualify for the said job and is not protected by discrimination

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