Thursday, November 28, 2019

School elections free essay sample

Behind every unmotivated employee is a leadership problem waiting to be solved. Yet many leaders see motivation as a game of rewards and punishment. Forget the cash. Forget the threats. To engage today’s workforce, a leader is well advised to seek the heart of what moves people: their three basic psychological needs. What About Sales Incentives? Variable compensation—commissions, bonuses, incentives, and so on—is a given in sales organizations. Self-Determination Theory recognizes the reality of externalmotivators in a sales environment, and advises that to support internal motivation in salespeople, how the leader uses these incentives makes all the difference. Salespeople can suffer serious psychological harm if sales leaders overemphasize incentives to pressure or â€Å"motivate† people to reach sales goals. In these cases, salespeople experience stress and burnout, focus less on customers and more on money, and can resort to unethical actions to gain the rewards Observing these problems, many leaders assume thatemployees, having secured food and shelter, become passive. We will write a custom essay sample on School elections or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So these leaders try to control employees with threats of punishment or with external rewards, including bonuses, wage incentives, or promotions. While it’s safe to say that many leaders will continue using these methods to motivate employees, literally scores of peer-reviewed studies since the 1970s have confirmed the negative impact of external rewards. Among the startling findings: 1. Rewards consistently undermine sustained, longterm motivation and performance. Rewards for something employees already like to do especially undermine motivation and performance. 3. Rewards make it more difficult for employees to be creative and solve complex problems. Consider a simple example. In the 1993 Wimbledon final, Jana Novotna led the great Steffi Graf 6-7, 6-1, and was serving at 40-30 for a 5-1 lead in the final set. But Novotna double-faulted, then lost the game, and 10 minutes later lost the match. Any or all of the SDT findings may have figured into Novatna’s collapse:

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Analyzing the Racial Policing Debate Essays - Crime Prevention

Analyzing the Racial Policing Debate Essays - Crime Prevention Analyzing the Racial Policing Debate Immanuel Masai 1 st Period Strongest Argument Heather Mac Donald's strongest argument to the argument th at policing is biased was, the reason people of color encounter the police often is because they are responding to the outcry of the community therefore the police are not being biased on whom they police but rather just doing what they are called to do by the people. The reason this make sense is , she provides data to prove that people of color commit more crimes than white people. Ms. Mac Donald's argument is also logical and does not take a genius to see that there is a clear correlation between the two (crime and police presence). Gloria Browne-Marshall's strongest argument was, when you back track policing and how it became to be you could see that it came to be when white people who owned slaved need to retrieve runaways. Therefore, when policing began in the United States its aim was to enforce the law (which itself biased towards people of color) on people of color. Time progressed and as policing became part of the government's way to enforce the law and it carried over time its bias against people of color and that bias is still present today. Logical Fallacious There was one logical fallacious that I noticed between these two was by Heather Mac Donald; Mrs. Ma c Donald said that if police are forced to stop arresting and policing in general people of color there will be an uptick in crime . The reason for this is that people of color commit a majority of the country' s crimes and as a result, there will be anarchy. What I Noticed When you pay attention to Mrs. Mac Donald , you can notice that she offers a large amount of data for her evidence and when she seeks to answer a question, she retreats to a source and proceeds to answer the question from there. Whereas Mrs. Brown-Marshall she used a mixture of experience and history to answer/rebuttal; first she states an experience or historical episode then proceeds to answer. What I can infer about Mrs. Mac Donald based on the patterns I saw was that she has not had that many encounter with bias policing because she always cited data and never once did she mention about being a victim of but she did mention experiences of others. On the other hand, Mrs. Browne-Marshall has experienced the biased that was being debated because towards the end she states that she had been a victim of bias policing. Furthermore, Mrs. Browne-Marshall had a bit of an emotional connection to the subject whereas Mrs. Mac Donald had more of an apathetic connection towards the subject. Heather Mac Donald Gloria Browne-Marshall Ethos (credibility ) : Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal Ethos : Professor of Constitutional Law and Civil Rights Attorney Pathos (Emotion) : There is a large number of white people who have been victims of police shootings Pathos : People see the color of skin and make decisions based on that. I see students outside of the university who are just being young but when police enter the scene, they see young hooligans. Logos (Logic) : Police have to go where the trouble is and most of the times in minority areas Blacks die at 6x the rate of whites and Hispanics combined Blacks commit 75% of shootings Every time police are called to a scene it is usually into a minority area As long as crime and victimization remains unevenly, balanced police and civilian contact will be too. Policing is data driven; police will go where there is a need. Policing is responsive to what the people in the community want them to do. Policing is influence by the people Logos : There are various groups ranging from the UN to Federal Courts that have said policing is racially biased Police make judgement calls that can result in a bias The perception of police is what creates a bias; someone can be loud but when you place a color on

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Bahrain World Trade Centre Technical Report Essay

Bahrain World Trade Centre Technical Report - Essay Example What makes it unique is the fact that it was the first skyscraper in the world to have wind turbines into its design. The Bahrain World Trade Centre is constructed in close proximity of the King Faisal Highway, near population landmarks such as the Bahrain financial harbor, the National Bank of Bahrain and the scenic pearl roundabout. The building offers an un-obstructed view over the Arabian Gulf. It currently ranks as the second tallest building in Bahrain after the twin towers of the Bahrain Financial Harbour. Architecture and Physical Characteristics The Bahrain World Trade Centre is a revolutionary building as it is well equipped with inbuilt large scale wind turbines that supply 15% of the entire building’s electricity supply (Atkins 2012). The two 50 storey tapered, sail shaped architectural design of BWTC with a height of 240m is the only of its kind in the world to integrate wind turbines into its twin tower design. The Bahrain World Trade Centre master plan comprises of twin office towers, an associated single-storey huge shopping mall with a 30,000 square meters of exclusive boutiques and multi-brand retail outlets, departmental stores, food and beverage outlets, a car parking services, mother and baby rooms and a children’s entertainment and landscaped areas. ... Each tower provides 34 flexible floor plates ranging 120 to 820 sq.m area for offices and an exclusive 42nd floor viewing deck (Binder 2006). The BWTCs with a distinct nautical theme is a modern interpretation of traditional Arabian wind towers. Each of the towers is visibly anchored to the ground by a concertina of curved sail-like structure. The most distinct feature of the design is the integration of large- scale, commercially-available renewable wind energy turbines into a sustainable architecture design. The podium of the Bahrain World Business Centre accommodates a single-storey extension to the existing shopping mall and it does reflect the already established modular, axial and spatial parameters. Three levels of covered car parking space are available within the podium with further extensive parking and service areas provided in the basement. The Bahrain World Trade Centre Location of the wind parameters The Bahrain World Trade Centre was situated along the highway so as to fully harness the Persian Gulf winds since the wind in Bahrain is almost always consistent. The Bahrain World Trade Centre has three 29m horizontal axis turbines suspended between two-story 34 story towers of prime office space. Both of these towers have been designed to catch and accelerate the prevailing mild coastal winds of Bahrain. The design of this complex provides for three 29m diameter wind turbines that are supported horizontally between the two towers. The elliptical plan form and sail-like tapered design of both towers acts as aerofoil and it funnels and lifts the onshore breeze flowing from Persian Gulf. The wind funneling and lifting of air behind the towers due to tapered design creates a negative

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Education - Essay Example Another importance of nursing education is to enlighten the nurses on what is require of them as well as the most effective way of resolving issues pertaining to their duties as professional (Keating, 2010,p. 3-5; Bradshaw& Lowenstein, 2011, p.1). Nursing Learning Styles These are hypothetical models, which suggest the existing manners of acquiring knowledge and help teacher or lecturer plan and meet the needs of their students. Nursing is a profession characterised by great diversity in terms of culture as well as economic status  of the individuals practicing it as well as the patients the nurses attend to or interact. Nursing professionals are required to learn how to theorize, visualize, analyse, and then come up with the solution to resolve problems. The profession involves carrying several activities ranging from calculating dosages to complex interventions on matters pertaining to patients. To understand how different learning styles apply in nursing education, it is importa nt to have some understanding on the modes of learning applied by different nursing students. Individual learning skill required include visual, Auditory and kinaesthetic (Bradshaw& Lowenstein, 2011, p.279-282; Brockbank, 2002, p. 25). Visual is a critical learning technique for nurses and require that lecturers use material such as charts and illustrative diagrams in lecturing. Organizing notes into diagrams is also an important strategy used in nursing education. Auditory learning involves ability to listen and understand information, which is improved through recording information. Kinaesthetic is a mode of learning that suits individuals who prefer when information is presented in different forms other than having to listen to lectures (Ewan & White, 1991, p. 28; Ewan & White, 1991, p. 44-50). There are several learning styles but nursing profession aims at combining the different individual learning modes to come up with comprehensive styles to take care of the entire individua l profession. Nursing educations combines four learning behaviours found among nurses and include activist, reflectors, theorist, and pragmatist. The learning styles should aim at getting the learner to come out of their comfort zone and be able to experience, reflect on incidents, conceptualize the ideas and then make plans (Keating, 2010, p. 47; Ewan & White, 1991, p. 28). Activism entails involving the learners into several activities to enable them gain experience. This increases enthusiasm and the urge to lean more. This enables nurses to handle emergencies. Activists frequently involve themselves with other people and act fast. Demonstrations work well for this group of learners (Jarvis, 2006, p. 10-12; Brockbank, 2002, p. 33-35). Theorists are those learners capable of integrating vast quantity of information and adapt it into logical hypotheses. They prefer leaning through use of models, theories, as well as case analysis. Reflectors have the capability of viewing informatio n from different perspectives. They prefer learning by collecting information or case studies and analysing them. They are therefore reasonably accurate in making conclusions. They are also good auditory learners and tend to be cautious. Most nurses fall in this category. Use of discussions helps learners in this category Oermann & Heinrich, 2008, p. 50-55). Pragmatists are learners who desire to try out new ideas, which may include theories and novel techniques. They are innovative

Monday, November 18, 2019

Critical analisis essay. SPANISH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical analisis . SPANISH - Essay Example Uno de los elementos claves que ayudan en la puesta en practica de este sistema de control es la existencia de una figura de poder, cuya identidad es de poca importancia, asi como tambien la existencia de una red de personas, cuya identidad tambien es intrascendente, que ayudan en el ejercicio del poder. De hecho en la historia la mancha indeleble el personaje principal solo puede escuchar una voz, dicha voz es incorporea y, segun el personaje principal, no podia relacionarse con un ser de carne y hueso: La voz llenaba todo el salon y resonaba entre las paredes†¦Yo no podia saber de donde salia. Tenia la impresion de que todo lo que veia estaba hablando a un tiempo: el piso de marmol negro y blanco, la alfombra roja que iba de la escalinata a la gran mesa del recibidor, y la alfombra similar que cruzaba a todo lo largo por el centro; las grandes columnas, las cornisas de cubos dorados, las dos lamparas de cristal de Bohemia (Bosch 1). Este extracto nos hace pensar que ni el gene ro, ni la posicion social, ni la profesion de dicha figura son de consecuencia. Lo que si es fundamental es que la figura no pueda ser vista por los individuos que son vigilados. Asi como tambien que el individuo crea que el sistema disciplinario, cuyo representante en la historia de Bosch es la voz incorporea, tenga un alcance total. Como ya se ha mencionado, esta figura de poder no es la unica persona en todo el sistema. Tambien hay otras personas que ejercen diferentes funciones dentro de este sistema de control. Cada individuo tiene un papel que jugar y es, a su vez, supervisado por alguien de mayor jerarquia. En Pormenores de una servidumbre de Pedro Peix, el Benefactor claramente representa la figura de poder, pero durante todo el relato hay personas, cuya identidad tambien ignoramos, encargadas de realizar los trabajos sucios. Hay personas encargadas de grabar las sesiones amorosas de la esposa del personaje principal con otros hombres, hay personas que encargadas de seducir a la hija del personaje principal, hay personas encargadas de contratar la banda y las prostitutas que se apostaron en frente de la casa del personaje principal. Y, tambien, esta la persona encargada de hacer las llamadas telefonicas que el personaje principal recibia (Cespedes). Esta claro que este sistema es extenso en su practica y que abarca todas las areas de la vida cotidiana del individuo, incluso las areas mas intimas y los detalles mas pequenos no estan fuera del alcance de este regimen. En el relato de Bosch una voz incorporea le pide al personaje principal que remueva su cabeza pues ya no la necesitaria. Y el personaje principal le indica que no puede despojarse de su cabeza tan facilmente: Deme un tiempo para pensarlo. Comprenda que ella esta llena de mis ideas, de mis recuerdos. Es el resumen de mi propia vida. Ademas, si me quedo sin ella, ?con que voy a pensar? (Bosch 2). Sin darle mucha importancia la voz le contesta que ya no la necesitaba pues ellos (los miembros d e este sistema disciplinario) pensarian por el y que sus recuerdos eran innecesarios. Un sistema como este, que no tiene ningun reparo en declarar que las ideas, las emociones y

Friday, November 15, 2019

Reality Television Do More Harm Media Essay

Reality Television Do More Harm Media Essay Although reality television may be popular source of entertainment, it is doing more harm to the society by corrupting its thoughts; and therefore the harms of reality television outweigh its positives. What is Reality Television? Reality television is a television-programming genre that presents purportedly unscripted melodramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and usually features ordinary people instead of professional actors, sometimes in a contest or other situation where a prize is awarded. Arguments The content aired on reality television programs plays a major role in manipulating the viewers thoughts about certain aspects of the society and help create stereotypes in the minds of the people through false representation of facts. Reality television program participants become victims of the edited material aired on TV and their image is hampered. The competition in the shows is extremely intense and brings out the worst in the participants. Reality television occupies a large amount of precious time of the viewers, thus preventing them from performing much more productive activities. KHATRY III Counter Arguments Reality television helps satisfy the needs of the people for juicy or spiced content on the screen, thus attracting large audiences. It acts as a medium of escape for the viewers from their everyday chores. However, the reality TV shows are becoming boring and pointless. Reality television helps provide a platform to bring the common man in the spotlight. But there are allegations of reality TV shows being rigged. Reality television provides an economical form of entertainment, thus proving to be profitable for the television producers since no major celebrities are usually involved. Nevertheless, the production cost averages between $800,000 and $2,000,000 plus per episode. Conclusion- Summarize and restate the arguments and counter arguments and thus, prove that the harms of reality television outweigh its positives. KHATRY 1 Does Reality Television Do More Harm Than Good? According to the American Time Survey 2011 conducted by the Bureau Of Labor Statistics U.S. Department Of Labor, The average American spends 2.4 hours everyday in front of the television screen, this means he spends 16.8 hours a week and 873.6 hours a year watching television. (American) Seven years of our lifetime in front of the idiot box can surely have a great influence on us, especially a negative one. One of the most prominent genres of modern television is the unscripted reality-based television program or commonly called Reality TV by the viewers. So what is reality television? Annette Hill in her article Reality TV: Audiences and Popular Factual Television, describes reality television as a television programming genre that presents purportedly unscripted melodramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and usually features ordinary people instead of professional actors, sometimes in a contest or other situation where a prize is awarded. (Reality) Reality TV pro grams like The Bachelor, Fear Factor, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and many more have overtaken the prime television slots and have become an integral part of the American family-couch time. Although reality television may be popular source of entertainment, it is doing more harm to the society by corrupting its thoughts; and therefore the harms of reality television outweigh its positives. First of all the content which is aired on the reality television programs is highly sexual and violent. Social cognitive theory suggests that people can discover meaningful sources of identity in their teens that feel connected to what theyre viewing. (288) According to the reports of attorney of law, Patrick A. Trueman, teens exposed to sexual material on television were more likely to be subject to premature sexual activities. Americas Next Top Model, a model hunt, has been repeatedly criticized for promoting KHATRY 2 poor body image of women resulting in low self-esteem and eating disorders among the young viewers. These shows also play a major role in creating stereotypes in the minds of the audiences. The audiences relate the actions of the participants to the ethnic or regional background they belong to. One such show is Jersey Shore, a reality television series that follows the lives of eight housemates spending their summer in New Jersey; the highly sexual and abusive content aired on the show has created misconceptions in the minds of the people regarding the residents of New Jersey. The show portrays a negative image of the American youth to the world as that of disturbed and unsophisticated. Omarosa Manigault a participant on the show The Apprentice stated, A friend of mine said, The fabric of reality TV is conflict, so make sure that youre either in the fight, breaking the fight up, or starting the fight.' The harms of reality televise are not only subjected to the audience but the participants and the crew in these shows too are pushed to the brink. The crews are made to work under unacceptable working conditions and are paid dimes for it. Three former employees of reality television shows, including American Idol, claim in a lawsuit filed that the producer forced them to work under sweatshop conditions and failed to pay for overtime hours they worked. The employees say the producer, Fremantle North America, forced them, to work up to 20 hours a day, seven days a week, sometimes without meal and rest periods, and that Fremantle falsified payroll records. (7) The participants in the reality television programs often become a victim of the misleading edited material aired on TV, which can go a long way in hampering their image in the real world. The participants in shows such as Big Brother and The Bachelor are subject to no privacy. The editing KHATRY 3 team crop the video footage in order to make it more entertaining, thus not revealing the whole truths. As a result the audience misinterprets their words and thus misconceptions are created in the minds of the viewers regarding the participants. Diana Eng a contestant on Project Runway stated in an interview, One morning the crew scared me so bad I jumped and screamed. They said that wasnt good, so I had to pretend to wake up again. (The Real) The world of reality television has also revealed the ugly face of racism in the Celebrity Big Brother racism controversy. Fellow contestants Jade Goody, Jo OMeara and Danielle Lloyd mocked Shilpa Shettys Indian accent and branded her as The Indian and a dog. (Celebrity) The highly competitive nature of the shows and the hunger to win usually brings out the worst in the participants. Sometimes even a lifetime may seem short enough to earn reputation however a moment of bad judgment is enough to lose it all. In a world where time is money and every single second is precious reality television consumes a large amount of the productive time of the viewers. The viewers spend numerous hours in front of the television watching these shows, time that they can use to perform more productive activities. Also there has been a decline in the outdoor activities of young adults, who would prefer an hour in front of the screen rather than playing ball in the park. Robert Foehr in his article Rideout states, Excessive TV viewing can contribute to poor grades, sleep problems, behavior problems, obesity, and risky behavior. (Rideout) However, we cannot be oblivious to the positive factors of this genre. Despite the numerous harms caused by reality television, the genre has become the most viewed form of television with its television rating soaring higher than ever. KHATRY 4 Realty television is one of the best means of entertainment for the viewers. For the common man it acts as a medium of escape from the arid realities of everyday life since the viewers can relate themselves with the participants on the show. The major reason for the numerous reality television programs being aired nowadays is the audiences thriving appetite for juicy or spiced content on the screen. However, the reality TV shows are soon becoming boring and pointless. Audiences have lost interest in the shows because lack of plot and repetition of themes. The show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo has received criticism globally from viewers according to whom the family is nothing but a laughing-stock. Reality television programs like American Idol and Master Chef help provide a platform for the common man to express his talents and achieve his dreams. Reality television programs are a source of instant fame and recognition for the common herd. The sole purpose of these programs is to focus on the life of ordinary people and bring them in the spotlight rather than the major celebrities. These have given the world phenomenal talents in the form of Kelly Clarkson, season one winner of American Idol, and the extraordinaire chef Jennifer Behm, who won the second season of Master Chef USA, and many others. However there are allegations of reality TV shows being rigged. The contract signed by the contestants on the reality TV shows states that the producers posses the right to determine the winners. Hope Solo, a contestant on Dancing With The Stars, pointed in her journal Solo: A Memoir Of Hope a specific incident behind the scenes that led to her elimination. Although the actual number of votes may not be twisted, producers have other illusive means to manipulate the public opinion. Dian Anderson Minshall stated in her article How Authentic Are Your Favorite  Shows? that Tom Poe a contestant on Americas Got Talent, a talent show, who lied about being injured by a grenade and suffering a brain KHATRY 5 injury while serving in Afghanistan insists the show is rigged and audiences are coached to support predetermined favorites. (How) Not only is reality television entreating but is economical as well. Producers nowadays are willing to invest in new reality TV ventures rather than sitcoms because of the huge difference in costs. Reality television programs fall cheaper to produce since no major celebrity is being paid a hefty fee. Advertisers are willing to pay millions for a 30 second commercials during the ad breaks. Nevertheless, the production cost averages between $800,000 and $2,000,000 plus per episode. Large sums of money are awarded to the winners of these shows. The cost for putting up the grand stages and sets for shows like Survivor and American Idol are exorbitant. As we have known it that there are always two sides of a coin, both the merits and demerits of reality television are present. Like it or not reality TV will remain to be one if the most popular television genre as long as the viewers demand it. Reality television has corrupted the thoughts of the viewers and hampered their perceptions about certain aspects of the society. There is hardly any authenticity to the content aired on the reality television programs; the manufactured drama aired on these shows is not reality. These acknowledged negative factors surpass the mere qualities of reality television. As stated in the above augments, although reality television may be popular source of entertainment, it is doing more harm to the society by corrupting its thoughts; and therefore the harms of reality television outweigh its positives. KHATRY 6

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

In Favor of Repealing Arizona House Bill 200 :: Marijuana

In Favor of Repealing Arizona House Bill 200   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Over two hundred years ago, new settlers were finding their way around a vast and new country. Their whole philosophy about their new finding was to create new lives away from the British and develop a way of living to fit their standards. As they set up a new government many new and innovative ideas were added. Our fore-fathers wanted a country that would continue to grow and prosper within the needs of its citizens. Since the beginning of such a new government new laws have come and gone, separate governments have been set up and given their own responsibilities. These separate governments of course are at the state level. Our constitution gives direct regulations for state governments, and rights to create our own form of legislation. Arizona may have taken this right a bit too far.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The citizens of the state of Arizona decided to pass an initiative that gives doctors the right to prescribe marijuana and other such drugs for medicinal purposes only. However, this initiative has brought many controversies to the Arizona government. Many of these issues include voters of Arizona not fully understanding the bill and many associations such as the American Lung Association trying to amend the bill.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I propose that as citizens of Arizona, the only way we are going to solve this enormous problem is to take action ourselves. Such actions can include talking or writing to our Senators and letting them know our feelings on the bill and to present our own ideas to the representatives as assistance. Also, the media is a huge market that wants to hear from you, the victims of such a crime. The only way to make difference is to become involved.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It happens every two years, the speeches, appearances and the promises. We all become tired of the brown nosing done by candidates for a seat in the Arizona Senate. Most citizens tune-out the candidates and put the "x" on the ballot at a name that looks familiar. The truth is we choose our representatives, therefore it is only fair that they, the elected officials by the state, listen to what we have to say and take into consideration. It is apparent by all the media coverage that many people oppose the bill passed by Arizona in November of 1996. Currently the Arizona Senate has finished its annual session and is available for comments from citizens.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Michelle Morano’s “Grammar Lessons: The Subjunctive Mood” Essay

The essay â€Å"Grammar Lessons: The Subjunctive Mood† by Michele Morano is a work that parallels the Spanish language and life. In the story, Michele reveals a little about herself as a character in the essay. She offers the reader a glimpse into an extravagant daydream into the locales of exotic Spain in which she hopes to one day visit to escape her husband whom had recently tried to kill himself. Throughout her fantastic tale, she encounters many unusual characters and proceeds to compare aspects of the Spanish language such as clauses like, ‘si’ and ‘como si’ (Morano 111), and ‘verbs of doubt and emotion’ (114) to the complexities of life. As I first began reading the essay, I was puzzled that Morano chose to ‘speak’ in the second tense as it is a rare form of writing, especially for a non-persuasive essay. While she was using her own experiences to provide the reader with an imaginary world, she wrote as though she hoped her audience would find themselves in her shoes. I also found it difficult to understand Morano’s style of writing because of her choice to use the future tense. I was able to grasp the concept that this extravagant adventure had not occurred yet, but I found it difficult to insert myself in her whimsical, romantic production. Once I began reading the essay and analyzing it, however, I took a liking to her ‘what-if’ style of writing. It suited the topic matter very well. Morano was able to equate the Spanish language with life beautifully with her writing style and extensive use of imagery. While I enjoyed the style of writing very much, the essay itself left me tentative on weather or not I enjoyed the piece as a whole. I am very familiar with the Spanish language, but I believe Morano could have clarified each educational segment a little further. As amusing as it was to brush up on high school Spanish, I found the presentation of the content in the text itself very confusing. I am uncertain that I would have enjoyed the piece as much had I not taken Spanish in earlier years of schooling. I also found it distracting how Morano would switch from her ‘grammar lessons’ to her fantasy life in Spain so abruptly. Beginning to read the piece, I was unsure of whether or not Morano had actually lived these experiences she was writing about, or if they were a thoughtful delusion of the future. For example, while reading about Morano’s encounter with the swimmer (110), I  found myself being pulled into the reverie of this romance in Spain; and suddenly I would be brought back to this lackluster high school Spanish class. And while Morano did provide the reader with a comparison from the language to the event itself, the change seemed so abrupt that it left me displeased. I also could have gone without the jumping back and forth between Morano’s life with her depressed husband and her musing of a life in Spain. While I do believe that her history with her husband was pivotal to the back story, I found the bouncing between her Spanish daydream and her real life experiences with her husband very distracting. I consider it would have suited the essay better had Morano simply used that as an introduction and left it at that. One feature of the essay that I enjoyed, although, was the fact that Morano took something as lifeless as the Spanish language and seemed to enliven it to the reader. I find it very rare that an author is able to put life into something as cold as grammatical concepts, especially in a different language. Morano, through her experiences in Spain, was able to provide the reader with a looking glass into a world where language isn’t just language and grammar isn’t just grammar but they’re part of being alive. She is able to convey to the reader that while details such as how to express emotion in Spanish would seem tedious any other point, experiences such as sleeping with a stranger in Spain unexpectedly brings out these ‘grammatical elements’ of human nature such as doubt and excitement (115). As a whole, I did enjoy the essay. I found Morano’s use of descriptions and interactions between characters very intriguing. I was able to sympathize with Morano as a character through her internal struggle of leaving the man that she had been with for a long while for a fresh start in Spain. Morano, Michele. â€Å"The Best American Essays.† Grammar Lessons: the Subjunctive Mood. Ed. Lauren Slater. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006. 107-121. Grammar Lessons: The Subjunctive Mood

Friday, November 8, 2019

Emotions as Art; essays

Emotions as Art; essays Emotions as Art; Arising as a complex entity rooted in the Psychological Panorama of Human Expirence. THAT OBSCURE OBJECT OF DESIRE (1977) 11 March 2004 That Obscure Object of Desire, (1977) directed by Luis Bus Les Quatre Cent Coups(1966). Although Bus expressive misce-en-scene delivers an erotic portrayal of a man trapped by his emotional attachment to a woman he cannot attain. Even while hes in a committed relationship with her he cannot attain her. That Obscure Object of Desire includes a Lacanian premise with Freudian insight, a Hitchcockian foundation with Bus classic breast-groping scenes. The film dresses in its fear of women, freely. The film was adapted from a French novel entitled The Devil is a Woman, by Pierre Louys. Josef von Sternberg had already done the film once in 1935. Bus autobiography. The film was created with much care: it not only spoofed scenes in Hitchcocks North by Northwest, but it highlighted surrealists themes while ridiculing an older mans insecurities with sexuality. The most brilliant element of the film, double acting, was said to be a mistake, but with Buñuel it is difficult to believe. Two actors played the role...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Divine Healing Essay Example

Divine Healing Essay Example Divine Healing Essay Divine Healing Essay 1. How many of our iniquities (sins) did God promise to forgive? Psalms 103:3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ A. How many of our diseases did He say He could heal? ______________________________________ 2. How do I know Christ paid for my healing? Isaiah 53:5 __________________________________________________________________________ 3. When Jesus was here, what sicknesses did He heal? Matthew 4:23 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Has Jesus changed? Hebrews 13:8 _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. If Jesus is our High Priest, how do we know He understands our sufferings? Hebrews 4:15 (He is) _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. How did He heal people in their time of need? Psalms 107:20 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. What way must we pray in order to receive healing? A. Matthew 21:22 _____________________________________________________________________ B. Mark 11:24 _____________________________________________________ and ye shall have them. 8. How must we pray in order for God to answer? A. John 14:13 _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ B. Acts 3:16 __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 9. What is God’s promise to every believer? Mark 16:15-20 A. Verse 17 __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ B. Verse 18 __________________________________________________________________________ 10. What does James tell us to do when we’re sick? James 5:14 ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ A. What will be the results? James 5:15 ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. How do we know our sickness was paid for at the whipping post? 1 Peter 2:24 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12. How do we know it is God’s will for us to be well? 3 John 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 13. In order to receive healing, how must I come to the Lord? Hebrews 11:6 ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Monday, November 4, 2019

Carnavelis Decision Making Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Carnavelis Decision Making Model - Essay Example The effectiveness of a nurse’s role is achieved through the assessment of the social, physical, mental, and spiritual and health factors which define the needs of the patient. This paper is based on a clinical case study where the roles of nurses in assessment of the patient and related factors and decision making and practice are discussed. The discussion is based on Carnevali’s model of clinical judgment and decision making which evaluated in terms of its effectiveness and impact on the execution of nursing roles in patient assessment and decision making. The assessment of Jack’s physical, social, mental, spiritual and health care needs will be based on an integration of critical thinking and observation. Wolf (2012, p. 20) explains that the ability of a nurse to identify the needs of the patient during the assessment process is effectively achieved through keen observation and application of higher cognitive processes of thought. Kearney and Penque (2012, p. 3 2) adds that the legal and ethical standards of nursing and evidence based practice should also be included in trying to identify the needs of the patient. In Jack’s case, his symptoms are used to assess his health care needs. For example his dehydration is identified through the nurse’s observation. This leads to a critical thinking process through which the nurse will make a decision of the nursing intervention and therapy which is relevant for his condition. The significance of Carnevali’s model of clinical judgment and decision making is disclosed in this case because effectiveness in assessment of the health care needs of the patient would only be achieved through observation of his symptoms. Carnival’s model presents the first stage of diagnostic reasoning process as the collection of information and data on the patient and the family (Carnevali, 2003, p. 45). Aitken, Marshall, Elliott and McKinley (2009, p. 38), add that the roles of nurses in pati ent diagnosis are guided by collection of patient data on the social and cultural aspects and applying them in the prescription of relevant intervention and therapy. Jack for example is affected by social factors such as lack of appropriate support and care from the parents. This is disclosed by the fact that the parents want to leave him in the hospital with a neighbor. Nonetheless, critical thinking and prioritization must be applied in nursing care to ensure that the health care needs of the patient are provided before further assessment achieved. Jack’s dehydration and weakness requires immediate nursing intervention even before a complete analysis of all factors surrounding his condition are ascertained. Huiqin and Thompson (2010, p. 2752) points out that nurses play a critical role in meeting the needs of patients for care with due consideration of the standards of care and maintenance of high standards in practice. However Carnevali’s model of clinical judgment and decision making fails to show emphasis on the role of ethical and evidence based nursing practice. In accordance to Carnaveli’s model of clinical judgment and decision making, the second stage in diagnostic reasoning process is entry into the patient assessment (Carnevali, 2003, p. 45). This includes priority setting. Jack’s health care needs are prioritized by the nurse because of his weak condition and continuous crying. This is the reason why the nurse must prioritize the health care needs of the patient. Sutcliffe (2011, p. 35) emphasizes that the Nursing and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Essay on Germinal by Emile Zola Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

On Germinal by Emile Zola - Essay Example It is for this reason that Germinal is valuable in order to understand the social and cultural values of French society of that period but also to make significant assumptions regarding the protest against the capital as it was formulated the particular period. These assumptions do not have just historical value but they can be used in order to understand modern social structures and forms of protest against the capital as this protest is being developed throughout the world. It should be noticed that in order to write Germinal, Zola has studied carefully all aspects of coal mining industry. In this context, it is mentioned by Ellis, referring to Zola, (Introduction, 2nd and 3rd lines) that ‘For six months he travelled about the coal-mining district in northern France and Belgium, especially the Borinage around Mons, note-book in hand’. It is for this reason that Germinal represents with accuracy all aspects of life of workers in the particular industry being one of the few novels in which such an issue is developed. The general story developed throughout Germinal could be described as following: Etienne Lantier is a young man that decides to go and live in a mining village. Soon, Etienne begins to work in the mine. However, after a while the daily problems of miners lead Etienne to urge them to protest against the capital (miner’s owners). In the meantime, Etienne – because of his capabilities has become a leader of miners and his view influences them. It is for this reason that influenced by Etienne miners decide for their first time to protest against the capital. Their protest, which has the form of a strike, causes severe financial losses to the miner’s owners and their reactions are characterized by violence and brutality. The story of the novel is ‘enriched’ by the extended reference to the daily life of a particular family of the village, the Maheu family. Etienne, who felt